The Classics, Part 4b
Revolution in Paris, France: February 1848
The First
The Communist Manifesto
of 1848 is a deliberately internationalist document. Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels were deployed to write it by the international Communist League, of
which they were members. The League was strongly based among continental
workers in London, where the first edition of the Manifesto was printed (in
German) while Marx was running a part of it in Brussels, Belgium, Engels was in
Germany, and Communist League members were in action in many other countries
including France.
The Manifesto’s publication coincided almost exactly with
the outbreak of revolution in France, in February of 1848, which quickly spread
to many other countries. The final Chapter IV
of the Manifesto says among other things that: “… the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement
against the existing social and political order of things,” and it finishes
with the famous slogan “Working Men of All Countries, Unite!”
The Communist Manifesto is one of the first two published books
of Marxism. The other book is “The Poverty of Philosophy”. Both were written
and published in 1847/early 1848. Marxism was internationalist from the start
and has never ceased to be so.
Most of the revolutions of 1848 were aimed at overthrowing
feudal monarchies or in other words turning
kingdoms into republics, if necessary by the proletariat supporting the
bourgeoisie in the anti-monarchy revolution. The content of Marxist
internationalism still includes relentless opposition to monarchy, and also
class alliance with elements of the national bourgeoisie against Imperialism.
Marx’s 1864 Address to the International Working Men’s
Association (The First International)
was the consequence of his being invited and elected to the leadership of that
organisation. It was formed in London in a hall next to where the South African
High Commission now stands. Please download and read the Address in the
downloadable MS-Word version attached and linked below. Marx had been in exile
in London since 26 August 1849 after being banished in quick succession from
Belgium, Germany and France. In 1864, Marx’s reputation was that of being the
foremost internationalist of his time.
The First International survived until shortly after the
fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. The Second International was
established at a gathering in Chur, Switzerland ten years later in 1881, two
years before Marx’s death in 1883 and fourteen years before Engels’ death in
1895. The Second International fostered Lenin, Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg
among many others. Its collapse in 1914 marked the great division between the
opportunists (such as “the renegade” Kautsky) who in the face of imperialist
war folded their internationalism and became cowardly national chauvinists, and
on the other hand the true internationalists like Luxemburg and Lenin who
opposed the imperialist war. These latter ones, the true internationalists,
were also the communists, who established the communist parties that still
exist today.
The Third International, also called the Communist International (or
Comintern) was launched in Soviet Russia less than two years after the October
Revolution, in 1919, and in 1921 it admitted the Communist Party of South
Africa into membership, thus founding the party that is today known as the
South African Communist Party, the SACP.
The history of the communists is an unbroken line of
internationalism, of which the SACP is an indissoluble part. There is no
communism separate from internationalism. The SACP is still internationalist
and continues to promote the same relentless anti-monarchical, anti-feudal,
anti-colonial, anti-neo-colonial, anti-imperialist cause as before and will do
so until the day of continental permanent proletarian revolution arrives in
- The above is to introduce the original reading-text: International Working Mens’
Association Inaugural Address, 1864, Marx.
- To download any of the CU courses in PDF files please click here.
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