20 February 2010

Get your CU booklets easy and cheap!

To order your CU hard-copy booklets go to:

Log in with username communistuniversity and password communistuniversity like this:

Enter your personal details and select your preferred Jetline Outlet like this:

Click “Continue” and order your materials in the quantities (from 1 copy upwards) that you need:

Scroll to the bottom and when you are ready, click “Proceed to Check-Out

You will see an invoice with an order number on it, and instructions as to how to pay. You may wish to print it out (or "print to file").

Pay Jetline and collect your stuff!


  1. Hi, the username and password don't seem to be working anymore. Is this facility still working?

  2. You can go to:


    Or go to:


    These two archives are up-to-date and working.

    1. Thanks Dominic for this - the actual documents are working here on this site. I meant the printing facility with Jetline, as the username and password on Jetline don't seem to be working.


  3. That's correct. The archive that Jetline had up for us was a working system, but then they hired a guy to run a new "web" department. He had a different idea, the old one was canned, and the new one never worked. But Jetline Rosebank can do whatever printing you want, and if you have access to the files, as you do, you can also send them to any other copy shop for reproduction in hard copy. Print on demand from a web archive is a great idea. Unfortunately, people seem to have to make it complicated.


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