4 June 2006

State Power Document, Augmented

The wikispace Communist University web site has statistics for each page viewed. The “State Power” SACP CC discussion document has been viewed 571 times to date. A new feature has been added to the page, so that you can jump straight to the Foreword, Part 1 and Part 2, and to the list of links to related words now included at the bottom of the page. See below for the full list of (now 25) documents. These documents show that from its earliest beginnings in the form of the International Socialist League, and even before being admitted to the Commmunist International in 1921, the CPSA and later the SACP did its political business in negotiation with other organisations and always with a view to constructing a class alliance that would achieve permanent gains for the working class. The involvement in the top leadership of the ICU existed long before the Comintern imposed the “Black Republic” slogan in 1928. From this time on the SACP’s ties to the ANC became ever stronger and particularly after Moses Kotane’s 1934 “Cradock Letter”. In the 1940s the unity of the Transvaal and Natal Indian Congresses in action with the ANC in the 1946 Miners’ Strike expressed itself in the Three Doctors’ Pact in 1947 and again in the Defiance Campaign of 1952. The Congress of the People extended this principle of alliance to all sections of the population. In the early 1960s Party cadres worked to build a South African United Front even including the PAC, and in 1976 there was the similar episode of the “Gang of 8”. Always the “National Question” was the basis both of unity and of tension leading to splits. In this connection see the last item, from today's ANC President, Tahbo Mbeki. In the late 1990s the present discussion was partly prefigured by the ANC discussion document called “State, Property Relations and Social Transformation” prefigured the present debate, with Cdes Nzimande and Cronin issuing a critique during the discussion calling for real transformation, and not a balancing act between capital and poverty. Some, but not all, of the items linked below are mentioned in the State Power document. Click on these links: 1852, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, Marx, extracts, (10719 Words) 1917, No Labour Movement without the Black Proletariat, ISL (826 words) 1919, The State, Lenin (7209 words) 1926, On expulsion of Communists from the ICU, CPSA (815 words) 1928, Comintern resolution on The South African Question - Black Republic, 6CCI (3115 words) 1933, Caesarism, Gramsci (2117 words) 1934, The Cradock Letter, Moses Kotane, (944 words) 1946, The African Miners Strike, Naicker (3894 words) 1947, Three Doctors Pact, Xuma, Naicker, Dadoo (380 words) 1952, Defiance of Unjust Laws Campaign, Henry Nxumalo, Drum (616 words) 1955, Call to the Congress of the People, ANC (1316 words) 1955, The Freedom Charter, ANC (1239 words) 1962, Why the United Front Failed, Disruptive Role of the PAC, Dadoo (1020 words) 1962, SACP, The Road to South African Freedom (18552 words) 1969, ANC, Strategy and Tactics (5879 words) 1975, Bunting, Moses Kotane Chapter 2, The National Question (13844 words) 1976, Enemy Hidden Under the Same Colour, SACP CC (8941 words) 1977, The Way Forward from Soweto, SACP CC (7537 words) 1979, The Green Book, ANC (10658 words) 1988, SA Working Class and the NDR, Slovo (14985) 1988, Has Socialism Failed?, Slovo (10611) 1997, Transformation, not a Balancing Act, Nzimande and Cronin (3264 words) 1998, State, Property Relations, Social Transformation, ANC (8488 words) 2005, The People Shall Govern, Cronin (13435 words) 2006, Committed to build a new nation, Thabo Mbeki, ANC Today (2553 words)


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